Archive for March 16, 2010

Print Quality Prints

Posted in Photography, Printing with tags , on March 16, 2010 by bobshank

This might sound like nothing more than common sense, but I see it happen way too often and I just shake my head. Be sure to print quality prints. This is vital whether you are printing your own prints at home or if you send them out to be printed. Do not settle for low quality, high volume prints.

To see what I am talking about, take the same five photographs to a variety of printers and check the results. Like many things, you usually get what you pay for these days. Spend a few pennies for a 4″ x 6″ print and you will get a photo worth just a few pennies. Go to a quality printer, print that same print, and you will be amazed at the difference!

One of the drawbacks to digital photography is that now many photos are stored safely away on hard drives but rarely if ever see the light of day. Print some prints! Make some enlargements and display some of your photographs. But remember–print quality prints!